Dennis's snails

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Re: Dennis's snails

Beitragvon Jeany_91 am 06.04.2011, 19:45

ooooh i think we wouldn't find your bones because they are white like Sepia :-D :-D :-D
Schneckige Grüße (:
Beiträge: 286
Bilder: 7
Registriert: 30.01.2011, 12:49
Wohnort: Duisburg

Re: Dennis's snails

Beitragvon Drachin am 07.04.2011, 15:33

Yes, thank you, that were the words I needed *cry* :( :P
Nicht meine Schuld, kann nichts dafür,
Ich bin doch nur ein wildes Tier...!
Beiträge: 1846
Bilder: 2
Registriert: 03.04.2011, 22:48
Wohnort: Jena

Re: Dennis's snails

Beitragvon Jeany_91 am 07.04.2011, 15:36

it's just the truth, sorry :-D :-D

Maybe, if you gave them ALWAYS the food they wanted, they would just eat your pillow? :? :?
Schneckige Grüße (:
Beiträge: 286
Bilder: 7
Registriert: 30.01.2011, 12:49
Wohnort: Duisburg

Re: Dennis's snails

Beitragvon Drachin am 07.04.2011, 15:49

I don't know, maybe :?

But on the other side... don't they have to be afraid of me eating THEM? :lol: Just kidding.

But i really love there little snail-babies with their big eyes and small houses and.... *sigh* I simply love them. So cute.
Nicht meine Schuld, kann nichts dafür,
Ich bin doch nur ein wildes Tier...!
Beiträge: 1846
Bilder: 2
Registriert: 03.04.2011, 22:48
Wohnort: Jena

Re: Dennis's snails

Beitragvon Jeany_91 am 07.04.2011, 15:54

Drachin hat geschrieben:But on the other side... don't they have to be afraid of me eating THEM? :lol: Just kidding.

:-D :-D just kidding...? REALLY? :-D

my dad said "if you're away, we just need some salt and pepper and we try to fry your snails, but only when they are fully grown. So you have some time left"

He were just kidding too :-D

And YES, mini snails are SOOO cute!
Schneckige Grüße (:
Beiträge: 286
Bilder: 7
Registriert: 30.01.2011, 12:49
Wohnort: Duisburg

Re: Dennis's snails

Beitragvon Drachin am 07.04.2011, 16:01

Well, when I go on holiday, i must leave my snails at home (sometimes I take them with me, but not always and not all snails) and when I come back, I always have zu count them... I think I have to buy a terrarium lock, so that i can sleep better when I'm not @home...

Okay, one day when I was at my boyfriend's, my father also told me that one of my smails walked away while he was prepairing their food. He just wanted to kid me. I did not believe that the snail was gone, but to be on the safe side, I checked the terrarium and the number of snails in it. All of them were there.
Nicht meine Schuld, kann nichts dafür,
Ich bin doch nur ein wildes Tier...!
Beiträge: 1846
Bilder: 2
Registriert: 03.04.2011, 22:48
Wohnort: Jena

Re: Dennis's snails

Beitragvon Jeany_91 am 07.04.2011, 16:07

:-D :-D

i think you are mistrustfully, just like me :-D
But i think it's good to be, otherwise our parents would REALLY try to fry one of them and to check how they taste :-D
Schneckige Grüße (:
Beiträge: 286
Bilder: 7
Registriert: 30.01.2011, 12:49
Wohnort: Duisburg

Re: Dennis's snails

Beitragvon Dennis am 07.04.2011, 17:36

so so aggressive snails there in germany :|
My snails do not eat meat
and especially not me, because they get no food :)
Beiträge: 14
Registriert: 25.03.2011, 13:55
Wohnort: oosterwolde (FRL) Niederlande


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