Die Überwinterungshinweise in dem Link sind sehr hilfreich.
Leider sind mir da keine Anmerkungen möglich, deshalb poste ich sie hier.
Ein wichtiger Satz in den Hinweisen wird leicht überlesen und sollte stärker hervorgehoben werden:
Ebenso muss die Tageslichtlänge der außen herrschenden angepasst werden.Das mit der Anpassung ist nicht immer einfach - aber der Einfluss der Tageslichtlänge wird oft unterschätzt:
H. aspersa [...] can be exposed to periods of frost. In such an environment, it is likely that animals perceive the shortday photoperiod as an environmental indicator of future adverse conditions, rather than perceive the temperature, which is much more variable during autumn and winter. Photoperiod would play the role of the main proximal factor for induction of enhanced supercooling ability.
Ansart, Vernon, Daguzan:
Photoperiod Is the Main Cue That Triggers Supercooling Ability in the Land Snail Helix aspersa, 2001
pdf, 94 kB
Snails collected from the wild in autumn may be induced to hibernate within a few days by exposure to low temperature, -4°C for 4 hours (Fischer, 1931; Lind, 1968). Fischer also found that it is not possible to induce hibernation by low temperature in summer, and Lind (1968) as well as Kuhn (1914) observed that even if the snails are not exposed to cold they will still begin to hibernate later in the autumn.
Leif Lau Jeppesen:
Photoperiodic control of hibernation in Helix pomatia, 1977
pdf, 580 kB